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LISTSERV give-and-take forum <[log in to unmask]>
Shawn VanNess <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 21:50:53 -0500
LISTSERV give-and-take forum <[log in to unmask]>
I'm having the same problem. Well, the same results, anyway -- I'm using
Outlook Express 5.0 (on Windows 2000) as my mail client... not Outlook 2k.

But, IMHO, this seems to be a server-side problem...?!

Did you ever find a solution???

My OE5 client can actually receive, and view, HTML Digests just fine, from
the POP3 email server at  But when I subscribe -- to the
very same list(s), mind you! -- as my work email address (
then I see exactly what you see: the HTML source code for the digest.  This
happens when accessing mail thru both POP3 and IMAP protocols.

Also note:  I can send and receive ordinary HTML emails without any problem.

So, it seems to me like is behaving fine, but (a Microsoft Exchange Server, v5.x) is doing something to
hose lsoft's HTML Digest feature.

More info:  If you save one of these hosed-digest emails to a file, and
look at it w/ a text editor (eg: notepad), you'll see something
interesting.  It appears as if something (the Exchange server? or some
server-side filter?) is taking the HTML Digest, and "re-HTML-izing" it!!!

IOW, instead of

    <TITLE>SOFTWARE Digest - 13 Jan 2001 to 14 Jan 2001 (#2001-11)</TITLE>

I see

    <FONT SIZE=2>&lt;title&gt;SOFTWARE Digest - 13 Jan 2001 to 14 Jan 2001

Weird, eh?  It seems to be wrapping _every_line_ of the proper HTML source
w/ this <font size=2> markup.  eg:

     <FONT SIZE=2>&lt;title&gt;SOFTWARE Digest - 13 Jan 2001 to 14 Jan 2001
     <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&lt;body
     <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&lt;center&gt;</FONT>
     <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&lt;h2&gt;SOFTWARE Digest - 13 Jan 2001 to 14 Jan
2001 (#2001-11)&lt;/h2&gt;</FONT>

So, the email *client* is rendering the email fine.  It's the content of
the email that's hosed.  How and why is it getting hosed?  I don't know.

"Truth be told, the world's most successful
organisms have always been microscopic. In all
the encounters between Davids and Goliaths, has
there ever been a time when a Goliath won?"
- Vonnegut

On Fri, 26 May 2000 18:03:55 EDT, Nathan Brindle <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Pardon me for being less than sympathetic, but Outlook is well known not
>to properly implement HTML digests.  This is something Microsoft need to
>fix, not us.
>On Fri, 26 May 2000 15:31:28 -0400 Keller, Richard (CIT) said:
>>We just encountered a problem with using LISTSERV's HTML Digest
>>option with Outlook 2000.  The digest is received as source code, rather
>>than the actual HTML document.  This does not happen on other mail
>>such as Netscape mail.
>>Has anyone else encountered this problem, and Lsoft working on a solution.
>>Richard Keller
>>LISTSERV Administration
>>National Institutes of Health
>>HTML Diges Sample below ---------------------------------------------
>>Subject: RICH-GIF-TEST Digest - <first ever> to 22 May 2000 (#2000-1)
>><title>RICH-GIF-TEST Digest - <first ever> to 22 May 2000 (#2000-1)
>> <title>NIH LISTSERV</title>
>><body bgcolor="white"
>> background=""
>> link="#3333cc" alink="#9999ff" vlink="#9933CC">
>><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" frame width="600"
>> <tr height="73">
>>  <td height="73" valign="top" width="169"><img height="73" width="169"
>>  src=""
>>  <td width="431" height="73" valign="top"><img height="73" width="431"
>>  src=""
>> </tr>
>><h2>RICH-GIF-TEST Digest - <first ever> to 22 May 2000 (#2000-1)</h2>
>><p><h3>Table of contents:</h3>
>><li><a href="#S1">Why is the sky blue?</a>
>><li><a href="#S2">Why is the Earth round</a>
>><li><a href="#S3">Why do we breathe air?</a>
>><a name=S1><li>Why is the sky blue?</a><ul>
>><li><a href="cid:1@LIST.NIH.GOV">Why is the sky blue?</a>
>>(05/22)<br><b>From:</b> "Keller, Richard (CIT)"
>>&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
>><a name=S2><li>Why is the Earth round</a><ul>
>><li><a href="cid:2@LIST.NIH.GOV">Why is the Earth round</a>
>>(05/22)<br><b>From:</b> "Keller, Richard (CIT)"
>>&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
>><a name=S3><li>Why do we breathe air?</a><ul>
>><li><a href="cid:3@LIST.NIH.GOV">Why do we breathe air?</a>
>>(05/22)<br><b>From:</b> "Keller, Richard (CIT)"
>>&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</ul>
>><a href="">
>><img src="http://LIST.NIH.GOV/archives/lpowered.gif" align=right
>>alt="Powered by LISTSERV(R)" border=0></a>
>><font size=-1>
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