As long as we are giving suggestions to L-Soft for 1.8e, I have a few
of my own:

(1) Statistics on the usage of the server and individual lists.

(2) Optional automatic deletion of old archives, with the retention
interval specified by the list owner.  Disk space isn't the main issue.
One reason is that it keeps taking longer and longer to rebuild the web
interface, during which time LISTSERV isn't responsive.  Also, there
are strong legal reasons to not want archives for some closed, private
lists to stay around forever.  The Microsoft case is just the most
recent example of stored email being used against its owner in court.

(3) LSMTP for Solaris, so that we can use MailMerge without NT.

(4) Improvements to the web interface:

   (a) An easy way to move back and forth between list archives and
   list management.

   (b) Put dates on lists of messages in the archives.  It would help
   me find the one I want.

   (c) A web interface for list moderators.

   (d) Provide an option to have LISTSERV email a copy of a message
   from the archives.

   (e) Support both ACK and REPRO together.  It's a valid combination
   that can be requested in commands, but not the web interface.