--- Pete Weiss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> If I'm not mistaken, those "former" DIGEST subscribers will be changed
> back to DIGEST when you SET them to MAIL e.g.,
> If I were receiving the DIGEST and you (or I) did
> SET listname NOMAIL
> SET listname MAIL
> I would again be set to DIGEST.
> (followup to LSTOWN-L).

I know that is how MAIL/NOMAIL and DIGEST/NODIGEST are supposed to work,
but this doesn't always seem to be the case.  On our largest list, with
2300+ subscribers, DIGEST is the default delivery setting.  We have
received numerous comments/complaints/requests that, when a subscriber
sends the MAIL command to replace the current NOMAIL status, they begin
receiving individual messages, rather than digests.  I have attempted to
duplicate this myself with one of my own subscriptions, and I have never
been successful in doing so.  However, I have no doubt that this is
happening to them, because a QUERY verifies the MAIL and lack of a DIGEST

Can anyone else shed any light on this and/or offer a solution?

Best wishes,

Clark Pickett <[log in to unmask]>
Co-Administrator, EEAC Web Site and mailing lists

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