> What you are talking about here is a probationary period for new subscribers.  I agree >with others who have said that it is better to be candid with your subscribers.  If you >put this probationary policy in the welcome or new subscriber response so that it is >understood up front that it applies to all new subscribers, then (IMHO) most users will >not be offended or defensive.  Those that are will likely be the ones that you don't >want.
> Don

Hi Don,

Not talking about a probationary period at all, and not speaking about *new* subs. specifically either.

I wrote about:

Using "quite review" as a *monitor*...  "when one can see things heating up on list                                      between members, or even if there has been some
                                         sort of private exchange between a list owner
                                         sub. where one can sense that the member is
                                         unhappy & might retaliate on list-etc."

Hope it's clear now.
