Check all the standard stuff -- Does the listserv database user have
insert/update rights to that table?  Are the tables named correctly?  Did
you make sure go.user was updated correctly to propagate the db user/etc to
lsv?  Etc.

Watch the connection traces on your ODBC listener.

And as someone else said, to do any kind of personalized merges, you do in
fact need LSMTP.  (I don't know if this was your question or another,
sorry.)  I had to put an NT machine in for this very reason (and pollute my
previously-"pure" colo... sniff...)

Scott Swanson
Sysadmin, CTW Online

> Serious error occurred - traceback follows
> ------------------------------------------
> >>> Error X'0100003B' opening DBMS list <<<
> -> Severity: Error
> -> Facility: DBMS interface
> -> Abstract: SQL error