On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Gilles Frydman wrote:
> I think you didn't understand. We are not talking of a single bounce. Mail
> to every Earthlink.net subscriber is bounced.
> And you can now add Webtv. Same message.
> IMO, something very wrong is happening.

Right. Not panic time. Take a leaf from The Hitchhikers Guide and maybe
Zen and the Art of Motor... "Don't Panic."

Look at it. What is it (can get at that by going through what it *seems*
to be).  Looks like a disaster; sometimes is, ususally ain't.  Whichever
it is there are things you can do directly, or, by flinging your weight
around as listowner (ha!) do indirectly.

So all these other sites have problems and they're boncing everything.
So? Happens all the time, here or there. Sometimes you get a concatenation
of things, but that does not necessarily indicatae a relationship.

"Don't Panic" (and keep your towel handy).  Often su;ch things go away
by themselves (deleted subscribers can always resub, it ain't like an
autodelete is the end of the world, despite what some subscribers may
think).  Keep an eye on it to see if it is a persistent problem and,
if it is, contact the site administrator, if he will give yo the time
of day, and the subscriber (skip the last if it is everyone at the site,
do a generic for them).

The key is that 9 out of 10 you can figure out yourself what the
problem is so no need to  panic (though I admit I still do, sometimes).
Another way to express this is RTFM (if nothing else there is the benefit
of trying to make sense of it which will calm you, put you in a nonpanic,
analytical mode).          Douglas