
We are using Listserv Pro 1.8d on an NT host.

We are finally getting Listserv set up and it is going well. We are
importing our lists from a non-Listserv mailer (Revnet's Unity).
I'm fairly sure things are set up correctly, however I'd appreciate
it if you could look over this header and make sure things are solid.

What we want to do:

We operate several discussion lists that are sent as "announce
only" types of lists, i.e. the editor compiles all of our
subscribers' contributions into a digest and sends it to the list.
All posts from subscribers are sent to an email account separate
from Listserv.

Replies sent directly to the list need to be sent to the editor. We
*must* have things set up so that no subscriber can send anything
to the list.

Here's the header upon creation of our lists:

PUT i-sales.list PW=xxxxxxxxxxxx
* The I-Sales Discussion List
* Owner= [log in to unmask]
* Notebook= Yes,C:\Lists\i-sales,Monthly,Public
* Errors-To= Owner
* Subscription= Open,Confirm
* Send= Editor,Confirm
* Editor= [log in to unmask]
* Reply-To= [log in to unmask]
* Validate= No
* Review= Owner


Does that look like it will do what we want? I appreciate any input
you can give.

Kind regards,
Adam Audette