Okay, this one should be easy for all you out there to answer.  I
am looking to putting a 'monthly reminder' to my list for things like
policies, etc that I want to drill into everyone's heads (but not on a
message-by-message basis as it would be too much), and I am
pretty sure there is a way to do this, but I can't recall off the top of
my head how to do this.  My first thought was to put it in my probe
message, but then it won't go out to everyone, only those that are
inactive.....so now my mind is swimming.

Anyone able to throw my mind a lifesaver today?  TIA.

Pauline M. Gabriel               [log in to unmask]
i-barc,smalldogs,dog-rescue,pegasus-lstowners Listowner
        [log in to unmask]
to keep up-to-date with our expectant first child
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