At 03:47 PM 10/30/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Tom Trimble wrote:
>>         My list was on "hold" for a while and has now been resumed
>("free"). Lots of members find their digest setting does not work, and the
server returns
>> to them that they already have this setting when they attempt to
>> self-change it. I'm doing a lot of manual changes to accomodate them.
>I have never seen that HOLD invalidates DIGEST settings.  I would say that
>if LISTSERV tells them they are already set DIGEST they are.  You are
>doing a query on their subs before you do the manual?  What does the job
>ouput of your SET say?

*****Using the web list-management page, some have shown "mail" and some
have shown "digest"; it does appear that my changes are taking effect,
however. Some have said that no change in state was made as dig was in
effect,  but I've not had any further complaint.
>How long was you list on HOLD?


What are the NOTEBOOK/DIGEST settings?
>Is it possible that your list was on HOLD for a long time and your
>DIGEST subscribers are simply getting a lot of digests in quick

*****The header for notebook is "Notebook= yes,L,monthly,(mylist))". There
is not a header item of "NOTEBOOK/DIGEST" I got one digest for the entire
hold period, and subsequent digests normally. Quite a few have bailed out
due to the deluge of catch-up messages.

                Thanks, everyone!

                                Tom Trimble