"Russell, D (Duncan)" wrote:
> Is there any way within listserv that a list can be setup to allow web based
> administration but not to allow web based archives to be visible.
> I still want to be able to setup a notebook and store the archives so they
> are available via email, but do not want them available via the web.

If I'm understanding you correctly, most of our lists are like this.
To make archives available on the web, we have to create two directories
the one listed on the Notebook keyword and a second one which is under
our web archive directory named in WWW_ARCHIVE_DIR.  If we want the
archives available only by email, we don't create the second directory
(the one under the WWW_ARCHIVE_DIR directory).  This doesn't interfere
with the list owner being able to use the web for adding/deleting
subscribers, changing the list header, or fixing their templates.  And
while there is no handy link to the "Join/leave" page for the list, as
there is on the archive pages for lists with web archives, the page is
out there with a URL of the same form as the ones we can see links for,
it works fine, and we can modify it with the appropriate template.

Margaret King
Michigan State University