You can thank Sun in their infinite wisdom for this.  Solaris 2.6 is
the same thing as SunOS 5.6.  So you need the Solaris.tar.Z kit assuming
that you are running on a SPARC.

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 16:24:22 -0500 Karl Signell said:
>Our ISP says we are running Solaris version 2.6.
>LISTSERV SHOW VERSION says "Running under: SunOS 5.6"
>So which Unix platform version do I choose for updating LISTSERV classic
>(SunOs?)?  Here are the choices:
> > ===========================================================
> > Solaris.tar.Z
> > Solaris86.tar.Z
> > Solaris-OCI.tar.Z
> > SunOS.tar.Z
> > =============================================================
>The verbal descriptions in the LISTSERV "supported versions" text document
>do not explicitly name each tar file that corresponds with each detailed