On 1/18/01 2:43 AM, Russell, D (Duncan) <[log in to unmask]> wrote...

>Would it not be possible to write a small perl script which would extract
>the subscriber info from the list header and build up a default bottom
>banner for the list each night, at least that way you'd have it up to date
>to within a day. You would then get your subscriber data attached to the end
>of every email sent out.

A lot of work to satisfy a desire that I still consider silly.

Just set Review to Private. Let the subscribers who really care find out
on their own who is subscribed. I think you'll find that the majority
just *don't*.

Adam Bailey    | Chicago, Illinois
[log in to unmask] | Finger/Web for PGP
[log in to unmask] | http://www.lull.org/adam/