On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 11:32:14 EST, Lisa Manning <[log in to unmask]>  said:

> I am a site manager (but a newbie) and I wanted to know that if I
> use the Web Interface to edit the configuration file and select the
> update button, do I have to restart sendmail in order for it to take
> effect?  Lisa

Which configuration file are you talking about?

In general, there should be no need to restart sendmail unless you have
modified the actual sendmail.cf file (which the Listserv web interface
cannot do).  When adding a *new* list, or after removing an *old* list,
you will need to update the /etc/aliases entries to match, and run
'newaliases' or 'sendmail -bi' (which are the same thing) to recreate
the Sendmail databases.

I usually end up restarting Sendmail every 2 million messages or so when
Sendmail is in a beta-test phase (such as 8.12.0 right now).  Otherwise,
it gets restarted about once a month when I reboot the AIX machine it
runs on to install the latest IBM patch sets.

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech