Almost right, but they syntax must be exactly correct or it won't work.

On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 09:01:20 -0500, Winship <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>If you GET the list and not use the NOLock option it automatically locks.
>send  UNOLCK listname PW=XXXXXXXX


>> Second, please advise how I go about adding a "first" owner.  Said individual
>> wishes me to remain as co-owner, but I do not want to receive errors
>> messages, add new subscribers, etc., etc.
>Simply add an OWNER= [log in to unmask]
>line for the new owner.  Move your OWNER=   line down a line
>and in the intervening line insert QUIET:  so it looks like this
>* OWNER= [log in to unmask]
>* OWNER= [log in to unmask]

* Owner= user1@address
* Owner= Quiet:
* Owner= user2@address