UB Listserv Administrator wrote:
> Hi,
> Two issues I hope someone can help me with.
> 1) From time-to-time, the web interface times out for owners when the
> machine has much mail to process or too many people are trying to use wa
> at the same time. Is there anyway to alleviate this problem?

We had a lot of that until we put an SMTP_FORWARD_1 record in our
go.user file (on Unix).  We didn't have that at first because our
Sendmail is on the same box with Listserv.  But it turns out that
is okay, we can still use SMTP_FORWARD_1 - and with that, the lsv
process spawns off a couple others to handle the mail.  The parent
still handles all the wa, so it doesn't help if the problem is too
many wa users at once, but it *does* mean they don't all have to
wait while some big delivery goes out.

Margaret King
Michigan State University