>> 504 12/01 12/16 [log in to unmask]
 >>                 Last error: Unavailable; DSN status was 5.2.1
 >> 270 12/01 12/11 [log in to unmask]>
 >Many of our home.com addresses are doing the same thing. At least twenty
 >of them are well over the limit at which Listserv usually deletes them;
 >two of the addresses now have more than 700 bounces. At some point I
 >expect to see them all suddenly disappear--and good riddance!
End Reply

I doubt that they will automatically disappear because of
auto-deletion.  They might disappear because @HOME.COM address starts
"working" or because someone (listserv-admin) deleted them, if you do not.

/Pete Weiss @ Penn State