At 15:15 12/11/2001 Tuesday, Kamal Kamra wrote:
 >I am quite new to your software and getting used to it. I have a problem for
 >which I could not find answer in your documentation or FAQ so I am sending
 >it to you.
 >When list owner sends a mail to the mailing list and one or more members
 >have their vacation ON then vacation messages are send back to list owner.
 >Our list owner are finding it annoying and they feel that these should be
 >blocked. Is it possible to block auto responder messages at list level or
 >site level? Please let us know.


The OOOs are being sent to the RFC821 "bounce" address which is  the
operand of the list definition keyword ERRORS-TO=

You have several choices: set the subscriber to NOMAIL, DIGEST, or simply

On my lists, I usually set them to NOMAIL & NOPOST (assuming you don't
use NOPOST for other reasons).