On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 15:51:55 EST, Pete Weiss <[log in to unmask]>  said:

> The OOOs are being sent to the RFC821 "bounce" address which is  the
> operand of the list definition keyword ERRORS-TO=

One particularly large vendor seems to think these 'Out Of Clue' error messages
should go back to the person who posted to the list.  This is particularly
annoying when you post to a large list - you're sure to get back at least
a dozen people who are 'Out of Clue' and have just advertised to you the
following things about themselves:

1) They are not at home because they are skiing in Switzerland until the 15th.
Certainly information you want kept on a need-to-know basis (I'm surprised
that roving bands of burglars haven't clued into this ;)

2) They will be prime victims for any of the popular e-mail based viruses
and trojans when they return (as the biggest marketshare offender puts in
a nice 'X-Mailer' header identifying itself).

Hmm... There you go - the solution is if you get one, mail them an e-mail based
trojan that replaces their email software with something more sane and
secure. ;)
