On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 10:14:51 EST, Bill Verity <[log in to unmask]>  said:
> A group on campus would like to write something (I suspect a cgi is
> what is required) to automate list subscriptions.  They collect data
> with a server and would like to link to the list listserv machine
> (AIX) somehow to do the actual subscriptions.  Has anyone written
> such a program?  They are currently generating an email stream on
> their server but are having some problems with that approach.

It would help if you could specify what problems they're having with that
approach.  I'd suggest using a modified 'lcmdx.c' to issue a 'ADD'
command, but that approach has its own problems (most notably, you
probably want to set up a dummy 'quiet:' postmaster address for it to
run as).

If they're using CGI, they're probably on a webserver - why can't they
just add in their HTML as presented to the user:

< a h r e f="mailto:[log in to unmask]&body=subscribe%20%list-l%20No%20Name">
Subscribe Here!

Or they can add in the URL to have Listserv do all the work:

h t t p://listserv.yoursite.dom/cgi-bin/wa.cgi?SUBED1=your-l&A=1

If that page is too much, look at the HTML generated and code up
the call to wa.cgi and either provide THAT as the link to the user?

(blanks added for benefit of MUAs that grovel for links in text/plain ;)

If they're *not* actually in a CGI themselves, but doing backend work
extracting from a database, they can use an http interface from most
languages to call the URL themselves.