I've been using SIZELIM=150 on a couple of academic (= longwinded
people) lists with only a couple of complaints or requests to
override the limit.

> We've been using 180 successfully for a while now, on an active
> discussion list.  We also aggressively send out quoting reminders
> (friendly reminders, we're just vigilant about sending them!).
> My only wish is that list owners could override the limit without
> changing it.

If people want to post longer things (conference announcements, etc.)
I offer to put them on a Web site and invite them to post the URL.

                                    -- Russ
Russell A. Hunt            __|~_)_ __)_|~_    Professor of English
St. Thomas University      )_ __)_|_)__ __)  PHONE: (506) 452-0424
Fredericton, New Brunswick   |  )____) |       FAX: (506) 450-9615
E3B 5G3   CANADA          ___|____|____|____/    [log in to unmask]
                          \                /
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.StThomasU.ca/~hunt/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~