On Mon, 14 Jan 2002 20:23:56 EST, Stan Horwitz <[log in to unmask]>  said:

> Yup, what you're missing is that this is not possible and it makes no
> sense. What would you hope to achieve by restricting downloads of
> notebooks, but permitting subscribers to view them? If they can view your
> notebooks, then they can cut and paste them. You can't have it both ways.
> Either your list's archived postings are available to subscribers, or
> they're not.

[/home/listserv/notebooks/sas-l]2 l sas-l.log02*
 758 -rw-r--r--   1 listserv listserv  817743 Jan 07 22:13 sas-l.log0201a
 968 -rw-r--r--   1 listserv listserv 1074786 Jan 14 18:06 sas-l.log0201b
  56 -rw-r--r--   1 listserv listserv   64429 Jan 15 16:31 sas-l.log0201c

So we're well over 2M for the logs for *this month*, and it's only the 15th
already.  I could see how they'd want people to be able to look at a threaded
webpage overview and look at selected items of interest, but not be able
to say 'GET SAS-L LOG0201'.  In fact, that's why that list has weekly
notebooks - because we got too <bleeep>ing many bounces when people got
a monthly notebook because it was too big.

Or am *I* misunderstanding the original problem too?

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech