On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Good, Donald wrote:

> It is interesting to note that in the description of PRIMETIME in the site
> guide refers to list config PRIME= in the following sentence:
> Defines the "prime time" for your node, during which mail to lists
> configured as "Prime= Yes" should not be processed.
> But in the list owners guide, it is described as:
> The default is "Prime= Yes", which means that LISTSERV will allow postings
> to be processed during prime time. You can also explicitly code "Prime= No",
> which means that LISTSERV will use the value in its PRIMETIME site
> configuration variable to determine "prime time" for the list.
> These seem to be exactly opposite of each other.  If logic serves me
> correctly, one is true and the other is false.  Judging from Stan's message,
> I would say that the first is true, and to prevent delivery during
> PRIMETIME, code PRIME= YES in the list header.

I tried it both ways, with the same effect.