Stan Horwitz wrote:

> Since I only get one or two requests to rename a list per year, I do not
> have a lot of motivation to automate the process. In most cases, I simply
> tell our Help Desk people to delete the list, then create another list if
> they need to rename a list since usually, the subscription entries and
> notebooks are no longer needed.

I don't have anything automated either, although I get more requests
than that.  Often when people ask me to rename a list, what they really
want is to get a new list configured like their old one, without having
to fill out a form specifying configuration options.  As Stan says,
many of them don't want the subscribers or notebooks brought over.  So
I tell people they can skip our form if they can specify another list
on our server that I can model their new list after (whether or not
that list belongs to them and/or is to be deleted after being used as
a model).  I get maybe three or four in a year that actually want to
move the subscribers and notebooks, which I do manually.

Margaret King
Michigan State University