> >I couldn't find an answer to it in the archives.  Is there a way of
> >achieving a URL link to renew a subscription?
> How about using a standard mailto URL like
>    mailto:listserv@...?body=confirm%20listname
> Of course, this message has to come "from" the correct mail
> address which may be a problem in many misconfigured environments today...

Yes, I briefly considered this but came to the same conclusion as yourself.
Also, it doesn't answer the original question, it still requires a
subscriber to use email.

I think it won't be possible since RENEWAL doesn't use a cookie like many
other commands that require confirmation (and are thus able to use a
clickable URL).


Michael Shannon
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"Before you can grow old and wise you must first survive being young and
stupid." - Ancient Proverb

Note: Opinions expressed on this list are my own and do not reflect the
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