My site has a list with a mission that is close or related to a
(formerly egroups) group named "chari".

When a contributor of my list sends e-mail to both "chiari" and my list (either
address can be "To:" or "CC"), listserv distributes the contribution as expected
and then a short time later distributes the Yahoogroups version of the same post.
I know that because that group now uses a bottom banner (of many lines ... blah!).

My list is not subscribed to the Yahoogroups list, as the only articles in common
are these sent by my subscribers to both lists.

Does this ring a bell with anyone? It doesn't sound like a subscriber delivery-
related problem, but I don't know.  This is not a new problem, as it's been
happening for 2-3 years, first occuring when chiari was an e-group in 2000.  It's
just more noticeable now that they have an (ugly) bottom banner giving un-sub
directions to "chiari"!

The only work-around I can come up with is to educate my list subscribers to e-
mail TO "chiari" and BCC my list.

cheers, wayne