Why not just put the attached file on a server somewhere and just send the url to everyone?  Then you don't glut the archives on the server.

>At 09:58 05/20/2002 Monday, Barak Moshe wrote:
>>Sending attachment to a large list can be an extra load on the system
>>(space-wise). What I do usually, is perform the following sequence, manually:
>>1. quiet set list-name nomail for *@*
>>2. send the attachments to list-name (nothing is sent out because of
>(1) above
>>   but a copy is archived.
>>3. quiet set list-name mail for *@*
>>4. send a short mail to list-name with the url of the proper archive.
>>With large lists/large attachments, the savings is huge, and there is
>just one
>>copy in the system.
>>The problem is that this procedure is not likely to be followed by some list
>>owners, secretaries etc and I wanted to either automate it or
>semi-automate it
>>through a script, a web page, etc.
>>I wonder if anyone has been doing something in this direction ?

BE ALERT!!!!  (The world needs more lerts ...)

Bill Verity - 814-865-4758  Fax: 814-863-7049
215A Computer Building - Information Technology Services, Penn State University
At the office - on my Mac, of course ;-)