On Fri, 31 May 2002 17:23:37 CDT, Feather Lacy <[log in to unmask]>  said:
> Do most sites modify the LISTSERV Home page?

> http://itsnt131.iowa.uiowa.edu/scripts/wa.exe

> What is the common wisdom?  Modify the Home Page or not?

Well.. I did this:

1)  The LSoft cgi shows up at http://listserv.vt.edu/cgi-bin/wa.cgi - we
left that basically out-of-the-box (intentionally - if we don't change it,
we don't have to document what's changed from the LSoft software/docs ;)

2) In our apache configuration, I have:

RewriteRule   Ø/$ http://4help.vt.edu/resources/listserv/  [R]

In other words, if you go to 'http://listserv.vt.edu', you get redirected
to our '4-help' written documentation with all the local goodies.

This solved a lot of problems - I don't have to maintain documentation,
people who write docs don't have to bother me to update content, and all
the chocolaty-goodness that comes from preventing sysadmins from writing
HTML when we have professional doc writers on staff. ;)

Of course, this trick only works if you have a user services staff that
runs a documentation server already ;)
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech