I'm curious about what other sites do with lists for classes.  Here at Penn State we normally:

1. Set up list for one semester.  After the semester is over, we delete the lists and archives after reminding the owners that we are doing it.

2. Require the owners to populate the lists.  They can get the addresses and names on the web from a page that the registrar maintains.

3. Name the lists with course name, number and section.  We begin local lists with an L-, so a typical name might be L-ANTHY100-2.

How do other schools handle this task?  I'm curious whether you put the semester and year in the name - SP02-ANTHY100-2.

Do you offer to populate the lists?  If so, do you keep them up to date as drop/adds occur.

BE ALERT!!!!  (The world needs more lerts ...)

Bill Verity - 814-865-4758  Fax: 814-863-7049
215A Computer Building - Information Technology Services, Penn State University
At the office - on my Mac, of course ;-)