A message very similar to this was accepted by [log in to unmask]
and rejected by [log in to unmask] because it exceeded the SizeLim.

I've trimmed slightly to try to get under the SizeLIm at SEARN.SUNET.SE.

On Tue, 6 Aug 2002 08:55:02 -0400, Eva Kalman <[log in to unmask]> wrote (in
a message with the subject "Re: Editor= question") that she was looking
for a way to grant the right to post a message (without going through a
moderator) to subscribers PLUS all mail addresses in a specified domain.

Eva quoted a message from me (written on Sun, 2 May 1999 19:29:54 EDT)
in which I quoted a message from John R. Andrews <[log in to unmask]>
(written on Thu, 29 Apr 1999 12:59:56 -0500) and an earlier message from
me (written on Sat, 4 Jan 1997 20:20:00 -0500). In my message, I wrote
that I would like to be able to use <Area>s (as used with the Service=
keyword, e.g. SITE.EDU,*.SITE.EDU) in the values of other keywords that
control access to the list. In particular, I would like to be able to
set any of the Review=, Send=, and Editor= (for the second and
subsequent editors) keywords to "SITE.EDU,*.SITE.EDU" or to a
combination of an access-level and an area.

On Wed, 7 Aug 2002 13:07:13 +1000, Michael Shannon
<[log in to unmask]> suggested (in a message with the subject
"Re: Editor= question") that some subscribers be set to REVIEW and
others be set to NOREVIEW.

On Wed, 7 Aug 2002 14:51:39 -0400, Eva Kalman <[log in to unmask]> responded
(in a message with the subject "Re: Editor= question") that her goal was
to have messages from all subscribers and all non-subscribers with
addresses in the specified <Area>s be distributed automatically and have
only messages from non-subscribers with addresses not in the specified
<Area>s bew sent to a moderator.

I agree with Eva that we need to control access for addresses of
non-subscribers in specified <Area>s (= domains).

I feel that it is desirable to have a more general solution than just
for the Editor= keyword. I think it should be applicable for the
Review=, Send=, and Editor= keywords and the access-control parameter
of the Notebook= keyword.

I read the "List Owner's Manual for LISTSERV, version 1.8e" as saying
that this control is available. (MIT is still running LISTSERV 1.8d, so
I can't verify how this works in LISTSERV 1.8e.)

First I'll quote parts of a few sections from the "List Owner's Manual
for LISTSERV, version 1.8e" and then I'll present my reasoning based on
those sections.

1. area   Is a means whereby a node or list of nodes can be identified.
          An area can be either:

          [text elided]
          A simple wildcard nodename pattern such as FR*, *11, *ESA*,
             D*ESA*, etc.

2. Service= area1,area2,...

       [text elided]

       Defines the 'service area' outside of which subscription requests
       must not be accepted. [text elided]

       For lists running the web archive interface: Starting with
       LISTSERV 1.8d it is possible to define "Service=" in terms of IP
       address blocks in order to limit access to list archive notebooks
       via the web archive interface. This is implemented as follows:

       1.  Notebook= ...,Service

       2.  "Service=" can contain entries of the form:

       [text elided]

       Note carefully that LISTSERV does not do a reverse lookup on the
       IP addresses you code into the Service= keyword! When coding IPs
       into Service= you must also code in FQDN values for allowed
       hostnames. Thus if you have a list that should be restricted to
       the subnet, which belongs to a domain called
       FOO.COM, you really have to code something like
       * Service= FOO.COM,*.FOO.COM,IP(
       in order for everyone in the FOO.COM domain who needs access to
       be able to have it.

       The default value is "Service= *" (e.g., any host).

3. access-level     Controls which category of users has access to the
          information or service to which this parameter applies.
          access-level can be either:

          Public     Everybody has access to the information.
          Postmaster Only the postmaster (i.e. LISTSERV operations
                     staff) has access to the information.
          A1,A2,...with Ai being either:

             Private       Only users subscribed to the list have
                           access to the information.
             (listname)    Only the subscribers of the named list
                           have access to the information.
             Owner         Only the list owner can access the
             Owner(list)   Only the owner of the named list can access
                           the information.
             Service       Only people in the service area of the list
                           can see the information.
             Service(list) Only subscribers of the named list's service
                           area can see the information.

4. Review= access-level
       This keyword defines the categories of users who are allowed to
       review the (non-concealed) Internet addresses and names of the
       persons subscribed to a list. Beginning with version 1.8c, the
       default value is "Review= Private".

5. Send= access-level [,Semi-Moderated][,Hold][,Confirm][,NoMIME]
       Defines the categories of users who can mail or send files to the
       list. Possibly puts the list under control of an editor. The
       default value is "Public". Other access-levels for use with
       Send= would include "Private", "Editor", "Owner", etc. (see the
       beginning of this document for the definition of an
       access-level). A literal Internet e-mail address may also be used
       in place of the access-level, for example, [log in to unmask]
       Using a literal address is one way to ensure that only an
       authorized person can post to the list, for instance, if the list
       is an "announce-only" list rather than a discussion list.

       [text elided]

       An example:

       * Send= Private,Semi-Moderated
       * [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask]

       In this example, a message sent to the list would be:

       -  Discarded, if the sender was not subscribed to the list,
          regardless of the subject
       -  Processed, if the sender was subscribed and used the
          "Urgent:" subject
       -  Forwarded to the moderator if the sender was subscribed but
          didn't use the "Urgent:" subject.

       Another example:

       * Send= Editor,Semi-Moderated
       * [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask]

       In this example, a message sent to the list would be:

       -  Processed, if the sender used the "Urgent:" subject
       -  Forwarded to the moderator if the sender didn't use the
          "Urgent:" subject.

       Note that in the above example, messages don't get discarded if
       the sender isn't subscribed.

       [text elided]

6. Editor= net-address1,net-address2|access-level1,...
       Defines the list editor(s). When used in conjunction with the
       "Send=Editor" option, it causes all mail sent to the list to be
       automatically forwarded to the first person listed in the
       "Editor=" keyword, who will then send it back to the list at his
       discretion. The editors are the only persons (with the list
       owners) who are allowed to mail directly to the list. Note that
       ANY editor can send mail to the list while only the FIRST one
       will receive copies of mail sent to the list (but see also

       [text elided]

       Note that the first editor must be a network address (e.g.,
       [log in to unmask]) and not an access-level. Subsequent editors
       may be access-levels. For instance, you can code

          * Editor= [log in to unmask],(MYLIST-L)

       which allows all subscribers from the MYLIST-L list to post
       without going through the editor, and diverts all non-subscriber
       mail to [log in to unmask] for approval.

       [text elided]

Here is the reasoning (based on the sections of the "List Owner's Manual
for LISTSERV, version 1.8e" documentation quoted above) that leads me to
the conclusion that L-Soft is saying that this is available.

7. From 1 and 2 (especially, an example near the end of 2), we see that
* Service= FOO.COM,*.FOO.COM
defines a service area including all E-Mail addresses in the FOO.COM

8. From 3 and 7, we see that if there were a list named DUMMY-L that had
a service area defined as "Service= FOO.COM,*.FOO.COM", then another
list named MYLIST-L could define an access-level as "Service(DUMMY-L)
and that would mean all E-Mail addresses in the FOO.COM domain.

9. From 4 and 8, we see that we can define "Review= Service(DUMMY-L)" to
allow all E-Mail addresses in the FOO.COM domain to review the
(non-concealed) Internet addresses and names of the persons subscribed
to the list.

10. From 3, 5, and 8, we see that we can define
"Send= Private,Service(DUMMY-L) [,Semi-Moderated][,Hold][,Confirm]" to
allow all subscribers and all E-Mail addresses in the FOO.COM domain to
post messages to the list.

11. From 6 and 8, we see that we can define
"Editor= [log in to unmask],Service(DUMMY-L)" to make [log in to unmask] and all
E-Mail addresses in the FOO.COM domain editors of the list.

12. From 3, 6, and 8, we see that we can define
"Editor= [log in to unmask],(MYLIST-L),Service(DUMMY-L)" to make
[log in to unmask], all subscribers to this list (named "MYLIST-L") and all
E-Mail addresses in the FOO.COM domain editors of the list.

Does anyone happen to know whether this actually works the way that I
reason it should?

/David M. Rosenberg        [log in to unmask]        1-617-253-8054