I've recently noticed some weirdness with attachments.  In some instances
things are fine, attachments are distributed to users and posted to the
archive as expected.  Other instances a strange thing happens, users within
my Exchange environment receive attachments okay, but those outside of the
Exchange group get text garbage in the e-mail body and this is what is
posted to Listserv as well.  I've done all types of testing trying to
distinguish a pattern.  It's not timing, its not the placement of the
attachment within the body or the header of the message, almost seems like
it's forwarded attachments that get clobbered, but this is not consistent.
In one test case a forwarded attachment was garbage, but a newly added
attachment was fine.  Most attachments are .PDF with a few MS .doc files
thrown into the mix.  Again, the pattern is alluding me.  Any ideas?
