I know this must be in the FAQ or manual, but I've searched for an hour, not wanting to ask a stupid question :-)  I have a new list that relocated
from a Yahoo group to here.  Their new list setup went fine, bulk add of subscribers was fine, now I'm trying to add some back-dated archive logs
to the list.  I have formatted them appropriately.  I tried to PUT the file, but was told there was no such file.  I created empty files with the proper
names on the server in the correct directory.  The INDEX command shows the files, but both GET and PUT say the files don't exist.  I did a GET
and a PUT of the list header, I stopped and restarted Listserv, still no luck.

I seem to recall from my VM-days you could erase the DBINDEX and DBNAMES files and this would force it to recognize them, but I'm a bit
hesitant to try old tricks on the new server (Win NT).  What am I missing?
