On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Stan Horwitz wrote:

> > Once again, we seem to have escaped a Hotmail problem. None of our
> > approximately 90 Hotmail subscribers have been bouncing. Does anyone have
> > any idea why we so rarely experience the problems that so many of the rest
> > of you have with Hotmail?
> Probably just dumb luck, but it might help to see your list's header.

Here it is (neatly annotated by the list co-owner, in case we both get hit
by a bus and someone has to take over for us!):

* ACCESS CONTROL SECTION *********** (Pg 106)
* Files= No
* Attachments=No
*      Attachments are blocked.
* Filter= Also
*      Use Listserv filters in addition to ours.
* Review= Owners
*      Only owners may review the list of subscribers.
* Send= Private
*      Only subscribers may send mail.
* Stats= Normal, Private
* DISTRIBUTION SECTION ************* (Pg 109)
* Ack= No
* Daily-Threshold= 250,10
*      List daily limit is 250, individual poster's limit is 10
* Digest= Yes,Same,Daily,01,Size(500)
*      Digests are created in the same directory, daily with the first
*      digest at 1am, or whenever the digest reaches 500 lines.
*      Maximum number of messages per day for the list is 250.
* Mail-Via= Distribute
*      The options are DIRECT and DISTRIBUTE. DIRECT may solve
*      some problems and cause others.
* Reply-to= Sender,Respect
*      Default reply is to sender, period.
* Topics= admin, biz, chat, job-op, misc, query, tools, usage, summary, conf
* ERROR HANDLING SECTION *********** (Pg 117)
* Auto-Delete=Yes,Semi-Auto,Delay(12),Max(75)
*      Problem addresses will be deleted after 12 days or 75 errors.
* [log in to unmask]
*      Errors go to Jane only
* Editor= [log in to unmask]
*      If we need to limit someone's posting ability, messages
*      will go here for approval.
* Notebook= Yes,/listserv/notebooks/copyediting-l,Weekly,Private
* Notify= [log in to unmask]
*      Notifications go to Jane
* Owner= <co-owner's address deleted>
* Renewal= Yearly, Delay(28)
*      Renewal notices will be sent once per year and the system
*      will wait 28 days before deleting the account.
* Sizelim=150
*      Messages are limited to 150 lines.
* Subject-Tag= CE-L
*      Identify list to make filtering easier.
* Confidential=No
*      Make the list available to the list of lists.
* Placeholder: The password was here, but Listserv removes it.
*      Record main list password.
* Validate=Yes
* SUSBSCRIPTON SECTION ************* (Pg 131)
* Confirm-Delay=48
*      Wait 48 hours before killing a job.
* Default-options=Repro,SubjectHdr,Digest,Noack,Nomime,Review
*      New subscribers will receive copies of their own messages,
*      see full headers with subject tags, receive digests, and
*      will not receive an acknowledgement for posted messages.
*      New subscribers' initial messages will go to an owner.
* Default-Topics=all
*      This may be changed by the subscriber.
* Subscription= Open,Confirm
* OTHER KEYWORDS SECTION *********** (Pg 134)
* Translate=No
* Language=NoHTML