It seems that Theresa Norton said ...

T> I have received several complaints about the fact that in our list
T> archives the postings do not wrap at the end of the screen,
T> requiring people to use the horizontal scroll bar to read the
T> messages. Is there a way to correct this other than manually
T> editing every archive file? We are running Listserv 1.8d on a
T> Windows NT server. Does Listserv 1.8e fix the problem?

There may be, but I usually take the cheap, easy way out and suggest
that the user switch to proportional-type display instead of
fixed-pitch display. I presume that could also be set as the default.

CE-L runs on 1.8e at IU and nothing has changed in this regard.

Bill Blinn - 10/28/2002 at 7:44 PM
William Blinn Communications, Columbus, Ohio
Random thought: Cats must put their head in their human's mouth while he is trying to eat.