> Understood. :)  Is there some way for me to purchase it myself and run it
> with Lite?

Unfortunately this is not possible. You can of course purchase FSAV, but this will not enable AV functionality in your Free Edition. It is due to legal difficulties. LISTSERV decides whether to make use of FSAV and, if it does, we have to pay royalties. Sorry again. We do think the Free Edition is important, within reason, but this is one area where there are significant challenges. An OEM is responsible for licensing the bundled product. Normally the OEM supplies the license and pays for it. When other arrangements are allowed (ie the customer can buy the license separately), the OEM is still responsible for making sure that the bundled product is licensed for use with his application, otherwise he has to pay for it. If we do not supply the license, we have no way to guarantee that it is the right type of license, was obtained legally, etc. This is particularly problematic when a given product is available under several types of licenses with different restrictions. For instance, the workstation version of FSAV does not allow applications like LISTSERV to use the scanning engine to protect large numbers of third-party users, you need the more expensive server license for this. Having this server license, you may well want to install the leaner workstation version of the product (this is legal and this is what I do myself). The workstation version is technically sufficient, but you do need the server license to be legally allowed to use it with LISTSERV. This may all seem like legal nit-picking where normal consumers are concerned, but when you sell licenses in bulk it becomes another story. OEMs only want to pay for the functionality they need and the market is highly competitive.
