Jan A Bergeron VMD <[log in to unmask]> [2002-11-16 21:55]:
> I run a private list and I want to be able to control submissions of
> certain problem subscribers.  I know that I can set them to REVIEW on an
> individual basis, but this only allows me to reject or accept their
> submissions.

You're using Eudora which allows creating the required Resent-* headers to
edit messages without making them appear to come from you. I've posted
detailed instructions on doing this before; they are in the list archives.

Once Eudora is set up with a list editor "personality" it's easy to edit
messages and have them appear to come from the original author.

Peter R. objected to such editing. First, it's your list and subscribers
have no right of free speech there, just as they don't when they write
letters to the editor of a newspaper; second, many people do not know the
rules of netiquette (RFC1855). This results in excessive quoting, top
posting, failure to choose an appropriate list topic (if the list uses topic
keywords), etc. Correcting such posts by stripping excessive quotes, etc,
makes the list easier to read without changing the content of what the
author wrote.

After burning out from the labor involved in editing posts I quit and wrote
two nag scripts that automatically send a canned message to the poster. One
is sent to overquoters and explains why overquoting is a problem. The other
is sent to posters who post without a topic keyword (the list uses topics)
reminding them of the importance of the keyword. If a topic starts heating
up I preemptively and silently put known hotheads on review until things
cool off. It works for me.

Email me if you have questions.

