At 18:31 02/19/2003 Wednesday, Rich Greenberg wrote:
 >On: Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 02:00:44PM -0800,Ahern, Shannon Wrote:
 >} Just today we've received > 5 mass email spams to one of our edited
 >} lists.   I've never seen a spam message get through to any other list of
 >} ours (all require subscription to post).  Is there any way to find out
 >} why this is the case?  If one list is getting spammed, I would have
 >} expected them all to be spammed. Is there a way I can when the spam
 >} filter deploys and what it has rejected?
 >If you put the following lines in your header:
 >> * Send= Editor,Hold,NoMIME
 >> * Editor= [log in to unmask],(Chinook-l)
 >Then any subscriber not set to REVIEW can post without restriction but
 >any non-subscribers and spam will go to the owner(s) for approval, which
 >you don't give.  (Adjust for your list and address.)

If I am not mistaken, KLEZ-type spoofed FROM: of subscribers would also
be distributed by this configuration?
