> Hello,
>         I have a new list with 7000 suscriptors, but a lot of suscriptors
> fail. (unknow user, etc...). Would like tune my suscriptor list, then
> activate AutoDelete=FullAuto,Delay(2),Max(3).

If you want to clean your list in a hurry, then set this:

Auto-Delete= Yes,Full-Auto,Delay(1),Max(1),Probe(10)

this will delete on the first permanent bounce and send you a report of
the addresses. If you don't want a report:

Auto-Delete= Yes,Full-Auto,Delay(0),Max(1),Probe(10)

> Then, i can see
> l-zzz.autodelete file, but listserv don't delete user. I thik that the
> problem is that the Editor only send 1 email, and pass 2 days only 1 error
> was received. Then i think that the solution is use Renew=Weekly,Probe.

In order for Auto-Delete  to be effective, you must configure it according
to the posting habits of the list.
would be totally useless if you sent 1 message every 3 or 4 days.

> How is the relation AutoDelete a Renew with probe?
> Any suggesstion?

Assuming this is an announce only list, probe with Renew (Active Probing)
won't work well as users can't post. They would have to actually confirm a
renewal notice. So if you planned on a Weekly renewal, you would certainly
upset the subscribers. Renewal is really not the way to clean your list of
bad addresses anyway.

The best way to keep a clean list is to properly use Auto-Delete (Passive
Probing) set up for the posting habits of the list.