We have probe that is sent out every few weeks to anyone who hasn't
posted since the last probe went out. So it hits all those nomail
subscribers and reminds them how to set themselves back to mail (you
would be amazed at how many people can set themselves to mail but have
no clue how to get back again!) and what the list policies are.

Another advantage, and the main purpose of the probe, is that it weeds
out the dead addresses. If the first one bounces more are sent
(listowner specified). As soon as one gets through, the probes stop
until the next cycle. If they bounce over five days, the subscriber is
deleted from the list.

My list header line is:
Renewal= 25-daily,probe

This sends the probe out every 25 days. If it bounces, probes are sent
for the number of days specified in the auto-delete line -- my list is
set to five.

Details are in section 4.9.1 of the Listowner's Manual.

Nelson R. Pardee wrote:
> I own a large list with a high number of people set to nomail. It would be
> useful to send email to them saying a) do you know you're on nomail b) if
> you don't want to be on the list any more, here's how to unsub. Any
> suggestions on a good way to do this?

Karen Reznek, co-listowner - Asperger
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