I wrote the following following boiler-plate for our many list owners who
use bulk adds to populate topics-moderated lists. The basic process is the
same, but you will want to change the 'Default-Options=' setting in the
list header, rather than the 'Default-Topics=' setting.

Paul Russell
Senior Systems Administrator
University of Notre Dame

----- begin -----
One of the challenges of managing a topics-moderated list is doing
bulk-adds of groups of new subscribers when each group is to be
subscribed to a different topic or set of topics. This document
provides a brief overview of the process. You may use the list
management web interface to complete this process, or you may use
email to send commands and jobs to the LISTSERV server. For more
information about LISTSERV command and job syntax, see the List
Owner's Manual <http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/1.8d/owner/owner.html>.

Step 1: Save each group of subscriber addresses in a seperate text
file with one address per line.

Step 2: Edit the list header and change the "Default-topics=" setting
to the topic(s) desired for a group of new subscribers. Be sure to
store the updated list header.

Step 3: Add the corresponding addresses to the list.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each group of new subscribers.

Step 4 (optional): Edit the list header and restore the "Default-Topics="
setting to its original value. Be sure to store the updated list header.

----- end -----