--- Jim Lahner <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Is there an email command that an owner can use to
> deny a subscription
> request? And what message will the requestor

if you use the:

subscription= By Owner

parameter in the list header, all requests will be
sent to the listowner(s)for approval.

the message sent to anyone trying to sign up is
usually of the:

"Your request to join the &LISTNAME list has been
forwarded to the list owner for approval. If you have
any question about the list, you can reach the list
owner at &OWNER."

variety. (where the & info is supplied automatically
by listserv.)

however, since it is a template, it can be modified.

if you use the web interface, it is:

Message sent to user trying SUBSCRIBE on by-owner list

bill salmon

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