On 19 Aug 2003, at 15:07, Pete Weiss wrote:

>This afternoon (EDT), I've been inundated with some list owner- and
>-request spoofed addressed viruses (actually 32.Sobig.F@mm)

>Can you say "beginning of fall academic semester?"

Ditto, I've been getting clobbered since around 9-ish EDT this morning.
I'm not so sure this is student-related; our kids aren't back yet and
our server tends to be dominated by external non-student users.  I'm
guessing something else happened to set this off... some timed event or
some variation of the usual bugs.

(Enter Curmudgeon Mode)

One thing I'm finding myself wishing for more and more these days is
for someone to unleash a traditional virus that clobbers the victims
hard drive or BIOS.  I find it highly suspicious that we have to keep
going through these junk-mail tsunami's that seem harmless to the victims,
profitable for the anti-virus merchants and a major pain-in-the-neck for
us cubicle dwellers.  The problem is usually attributed to armies of
naive users opening attachments (I'm skeptical about this part too) who
never seem to wise up and I think we'd all be better off, and a lot less
vulnerable to a DoS attack at a time when it might hurt more, if some
virus was put out there that shifted the burden of recovery to the Bimbos
allegedly responsible for spreading this crud aroud.

(Exit Curmudgeon Mode)