At 10:37 10/17/2003 Friday, Jack Vant wrote:
 >Our university uses Groupwise for doing mail, calendaring, etc.  Several
 >professors own lists and have complained about posts from Groupwise that
 >show up on the web archives without the correct line wrap. Actually there
 >is no line wrap.  The message just goes and goes right out of the window.
 >I have confirmed this behavior.  What might cause this behavior and is
 >there anything that can be done about it?
End Reply

Linewrap is a function of the sender's mail client, and then the
recipient's mail client.

When I see no wrapping in the archives, that is yet another
"client."  There is an icon that can be clicked when viewing archive
postings that relates to "proportional text" which does allow the posting
to appear line wrapped within the browser's window.