I just received the latest edition of LISTSERV at Work, and am shocked to see
that the Tech Tip gives legitimacy to every spammer's first and biggest lie.

The mere receipt of a subscription request does *NOT* mean that the individual
whose address appears as the return address sent that request, authorized the
sending of the request, knows the request was sent, or even wants to be
subscribed to the list, and it is certainly *NOT* "confirmed opt-in".

"Confirmed opt-in" means that the list operator received a subscription request,
sent a confirmation request to the apparent sender of the request, and received
a positive response to the confirmation request. This is what spammers and their
shills refer to as "double opt-in", apparently with the intent of making people
think that they have to do double the amount of work to subscribe to a
properly-run list.

And what do we find in the current issue of LISTSERV at work? An article which
states that a list configured with "Subscription= Open" is configured to use
"confirmed opt-in", and that a list configured with "Subscription= Open,Confirm"
is configured to use "double opt-in".

What has happened to you guys?

Paul Russell
Senior Systems Administrator
University of Notre Dame