On 5 Nov 2003, at 10:41, Paul Russell wrote:

>Several entities within the University maintain lists to which subscription is,
>in essence, mandatory. I have been explicitly asked whether it is technically
>possible to prevent subscribers from leaving these lists. Has anyone implemented
>a list exit to either prevent signoff or require owner approval for signoff?

No.  You are asking for a specific (list exit) solution for the good
reason that, beyond making the subscribers sign a piece of paper that
tells them to "stay on or else", it's a tough question.  At least for
me it seems tough ;-)  Not having seen the "smart" solution here are
a couple of lame suggestions.   If these were announcement only
lists you could put them on under odd domains, eg: [log in to unmask]
would go on as [log in to unmask] on the VALIDATE=Yes list and
then you could (system jock level) serve them off.  Or, if they need to
post then you could put them on as [log in to unmask] and set them to
NOMAIL, followed by a second subscription eg [log in to unmask]
and have the routing for that entry on that machine relay it to the
correct address without mentioning the intermediate address.
