Paul Karagianis wrote:

> On 22 Jan 2004, at 17:08, Paul Russell wrote:
>>Before we migrated our LISTSERV service from a woefully underpowered box, we
>>discussed the possibility of switching from NETWORKED mode to STANDALONE mode,
>>just so we could eliminate the overhead of non-distribution jobs from other
> And...?  Recently I've seen a few (very few, thank goodness) cases where
> spammers have essentially stalled us due to our having to handle tens of
> thousands of these.  Is the above usable as an emergency on/off switch?
>                                               -Kary

Our sole reason for considering a switch from NETWORKED mode to STANDALONE
mode was to buy back cycles on an old, overworked, underpowered Sun Ultra 1
by eliminating the various X- jobs we received from other LISTSERV servers.
This past summer, we moved the LISTSERV service from the dedicated Ultra 1 to
a Sun Fire V480 in our central mail cluster. This move gave us a 10-fold
increase in available processor resources and memory, and virtually eliminated
performance problems on the LISTSERV service. The V480 is not dedicated to the
LISTSERV service, but it is nowhere near capacity.

To switch from NETWORKED mode to STANDALONE mode, you must add/modify the
RUNMODE statement in go.user, then stop and restart the LISTSERV service.
A switch from NETWORKED mode to STANDALONE mode should eliminate most of the
X- jobs that your server receives from other LISTSERV servers, however, I
believe it will also cause your site and its lists to disappear from CataList.
If all your lists are restricted to users at your site, this may not be an
issue. There may be other side-effects to the switch. We had not progressed far
enough down that road to identify all the potential side-effects.

Paul Russell
Senior Systems Administrator
University of Notre Dame