---  Michael Shannon wrote:
Actually, there _is_ a way to do this.  You can use the Renewal= keyword
and change the PROBE1 template to have the wording of the WELCOME message.
This is commonly used for a rotating FAQ; you can even tune it to send a
different file at alternating periods.  By turning on the 'Probe' parameter
of Renewal= you can also perform active probing at the same time.

See Chapter 9.8.2 of the LISTSERV Owner's Manual for details or online here
--- end of quote ---

Michael:  Thanks for your response.  I've looked at the manual at 9.8.2, and
also the address probing/renewal section at 4.9.1.

I don't think I need the rotating message functionality of the dayseq
parameter.  I just need a single message in the probe1 template.  I want it to
go to everyone, not just lurkers and "inactive" members (which some have
suggested would be the result).  If it ties into probing and deleting dead
e-mail addresses, so much the better, but my main goal is distributing list
policy reminders to ALL subscribers periodically, maybe quarterly.

I THINK what I want looks something like this:

Renewal= 3-monthly, Delay(21),Probe
Auto-delete=Yes, Delay(4), Full-auto

How would this behave?  The 3-monthly should schedule quarterly (every 3
months) probes, but it's not clear to me if this does everyone, or only
subscribers that have been "inactive" for 3 months.  My understanding is that
Probe tells it to send the Probe1 template (into which I would paste my welcome
message policy statements), followed, only if the 1st one bounces, by the
Probe2 template (which requires a "confirm" reply from the user).  Those that
don't reply to the Probe2 within 21 day (set generously to allow for vacations)
would be deleted.

Would I get error messages for 21 days in this scenario?

Also, do I really want full-auto, or semi-auto?  It sounds like the default is
semi-auto (which my list must be using since I didn't set this keyword).  What
would the difference be?

Thanks for your help.

Bill Schults
Co-list-owner, [log in to unmask]

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