On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, Francoise Becker wrote:

>On 9 Apr 2004 at 11:53, Stan Horwitz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Up until two or three days ago, I had my list set up to do passive
>> probing. Every night for weeks, I get a subsciption renewal monitor report
>> that identifies the same set of seventeen subscriptions that are were
>> probed. I tried turning off the passive probing a couple of days ago, yet
>> the same seventeen subscriptions are still reported as being probed in
>> each nightly report. Why? How can I fix this?
>Once the probing starts, it will continue every day until the limit
>is reached (and they get deleted) or until they stop bouncing.

Thanks Douglas and Francoise. I decided to do a little experiment. I sent
an email to three of four people in the list. Those email messages
bounced. For some reason, Listserv's auto-delete did not prune the list of
these subscriptions, even though they have probably been undeliverable for
well over a week, which is beyond the probe limit of four days that I have
set for auto-delete.