At 12:16 06/30/2004 Wednesday, [log in to unmask] wrote:
 >Is there a way to modify the template sent to an editor for OKing a
 >post? I do not see it in the default.mailtpl or the lstname.mailtpl. I
 >have searched through the archives and see some close discussions but
 >nothing that directly says yes or no and if yes how to accomplish this.
End Reply

If it isn't in the DEFAULT., then I'm 99.9 % you can't change it.

This really should not be a big problem since the OK mechanism is used
for many many CONFIRM processes, even by those who are not Moderators
e.g., new subscribers to OPEN,CONFIRM.

If there is a Moderator problem, this should be easily resolvable w/ a
little training.

Perhaps I'm missing some other context?
