In March, I think, I asked the list how to set my list to include the name
of the list in the Subject: line.  A couple of people explained it, and I
did, and went away for a bit of a holiday.  After I came back, I realized
that the subject line for list postings hadn't changed, even though the
headers are currently:

Forum for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education

 Review= Owner
 Subscription= Open, Confirm
 Send= Private
 Notify= Yes
 Reply-to= List,Respect
 Files= No
 Attachments= No
 Validate= No
 Ack= Yes
 Notebook= Yes,/listserv/archives,Monthly,Public
 Digest= Yes,/listserv/archives,Daily,0300
 Errors-To= [log in to unmask]
 Auto-Delete= Yes,Full-Auto
 Subject-Tag= STLHE-L:
 Owner= [log in to unmask] (Russ Hunt)
What am I missing?

-- Russ