>>>> [log in to unmask] 8/9/2004 2:58:43 PM >>>
>On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 14:06:03 -0500, Andrew Bosch
<[log in to unmask]>
>>Can WA be run on a separate server from the main Listserv
>1.  While you may receive ideas from others in possible ways to do
this, it
>is officially NOT supported by L-Soft.  This means if you can't get it
>work correctly (or at all) don't ask L-Soft for help in making it
>Note that applies both to questions now and in the future.

>2.  Why would you think you need/want to do this anyway?  i.e. what
could be
>reasonable justification for doing so?

Thank you everyone for your answers. The reason for doing this is that
we are redesigning our DMZ and one of the considerations is to isolate
public web interfaces from application back-ends. By doing so, we can
provide a tighter firewall and server configuration and have a better
Zero Day response.
